Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Binky goes to the moon She is First Officer Dora Toofit


So on Sunday 10/27/2013 Binky is blasting off.

In the Web Series actor Binky La Rue and  SAG  I may add, is taking off.

For those of you left behind on earth I am sorry but there were only 24 seats on the shuttle and she made it and .....you didn't.

As First Officer Dora Toofit, Binky will have a crucial role in this mission.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Too good for legs

My sister Sparky is wishing she had just two legs but she was born with four.
I have become a real active girll.
Because if my special wheels I am able to support and inspire humans with special needs.
They relate to my like we are long time friends .

So much fun ! And really easy, I just show 
Up and twirl around at fundraisers